Various PUPI

Variuous PUPI
Dimensioni e caratteristiche variabili, possono essere realizzati anche “su misura” .
Ognuno possiede la sua carta d’identità sulla quale vengono specificati il nome, la data di nascita e i “segni particolari”
Quando adotti un pupo devi compilare il certificato d’adozione che io conservo perchè mi permette di ricordare dove sono e con chi vivono i miei pupi!

Since 2004, P U P I are handmade by Cevì, they are a mix of recycling, love and fantasy!
They were born for fun when one day a started to sew forms inspired by my drawings, i gave them always different names and an history, wrote on their identity card.
They are useless if not for your heart, and make me happy!
Everyone is a unique piece with an emotional and artistic value
Take care of them!
Each puppet and creation I made is one of a kind and can’t be recreated exactly the same way!